Who we are...

Phong Vu's medium-term life mission over the next five years is to help over one thousand (1000) families achieve financial independence, defined as having a net wealth of over A$2M. Phong is a successful Sydney based financial planner, finance broker and qualified accountant. Unlike most Financial Planner who usually place their clients' savings and retirement funds with managed or mutual funds.
Phong specialises in encouraging and empowering people to invest directly themselves. Clients have a number of direct investment options including direct property, direct shares and/or small property developments. Clients are taught to invest both in their own names and using the generous tax concessions within Australia’s Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) framework, a highly complex area which Phong specialises in. He is a staunch believer in educating people to take charge of their own financial destinies and not just leave their money in someone else’s hands.

His present boutique financial company Wealth Habits offers a free financial modeling service for prospects and clients and also provides extensive individual education on the successful principles of share investing. He has been running his own finance business since 2004 and has been recognised through a number of industry awards including the 2006 and 2008 City of Sydney business awards in the “Most Outstanding Professional Services” category as well as a number of financial planning awards. His client based is diverse and includes individuals, business owners, property developers and small to medium corporations.
Australia’s Premier Stragetic Financial Planners

Office Address : Suite 5, Level 1, 70-72
John Street, Cabramatta
NSW 2166
Trunk line: 1300 099 199
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